2025 Winners: Add your badge to your marketing materials.
Australia is certainly one of the world’s most highly urbanized countries.
The nation is also one of the world’s most popular expat destinations, if you decide to move here from elsewhere for better job prospects.
Besides the country’s natural wonders, open spaces, and stunning beaches, you can find tons of job opportunities pretty much anywhere you go in the “Land “Down Under.”
But opportunities also attract competition, especially in the career world.
A career coach not only helps you find a new job but also assists you navigate through the challenges of the entire job search process.
However, finding the right career coach that’s worth your time and money can be tough.
We’ve taken the time to research career coaching services in Australia to bring you only the most skilled.
Below, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best career coaching services in Australia.
Best Australia Career Coaches
How We Choose Winners
Each of the Australian career coaching services below was reviewed taking into consideration the following:
The cost of the service compared to other Australia career coaches.
Overall experience, awards, and certifications.
Effectiveness of the process from start to finish.
Client reviews on third-party platforms.
This list was hand-curated to serve all industries, professions, and career levels. While many of the services on this list are from major cities in Australia, these career coaches are virtually available whether you are in Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Sydney, or any other city in Australia.
Average Australia Coaching Cost
Top Australia Career Coaches
Find My Profession
Find My Profession is a top career coaching firm featured in Forbes, Inc., and Time for its expertise and over 1,000 five-star reviews. They exclusively hire elite executive career coaches, all certified as Interview Coaches (CIC) and Salary Negotiation Specialists (CSNS).
Interview Preparation: Through a mock interview and tailored guidance, you will learn how to effectively articulate your value and respond to challenging questions, all under the expertise of a CIC.
Pre-Interview Report: This report provides vital insights about the company you’re interviewing with, equipping you with the knowledge needed to answer questions thoughtfully and effectively.
Salary Negotiation: In this empowering session, you will develop the skills necessary to confidently negotiate your salary, ensuring you understand your worth and maximize your compensation during the hiring process.
Reverse Recruiting: Take career coaching to a whole new level by having a reverse recruiter manage your entire job search for you. Their career experts will find, apply, and network to jobs on your behalf, landing you interviews.
Find My Profession offers a wide range of sessions led exclusively by certified career coaches. With over 1,000 five-star reviews, they have established a strong reputation for quality.
Find My Profession primarily works with individuals within the United States. Depending on availability, you may have to wait ~1 week to work with your certified coach.
4.9/5 based on 659 Trustpilot reviews
4.9/5 based on 185 Sitejabber reviews
4.8/5 based on 172 Google reviews
4.9/5 based on 34 Facebook reviews
$299 per 90-minute session
(831) 888-0967 or help@findmyprofession.com
Check out some of our 5-star reviews:
Career Success Australia
Career Success Australia is one of the country’s top-rated career coaching and counseling services with offices in both Sydney and Melbourne. They have a close-knit team of highly experienced coaches led by their head career coach, Langdon Rodda. Career Success Australia has been helping job seekers secure employment across Australia since 2014.
Career Success Australia has more than five decades of career coaching and industry experience, combined. Each of the team members is an expert career coach with a proven track record helping people get their dream job in their desired field. They also help with interview training and refer you to top companies.
There are no industry-recognized coaching certifications or accreditations listed for the team members on the website. And while there are details about the coaching programs, there is no mention of the prices anywhere on the website.
4.9/5 based on 254 Google reviews
5/5 based on 50 Facebook reviews
~$200+ per hour
(130) 027-2274 or support@careersuccessaus.com.au

Need Help With Your Job Search?
Did you know there are companies you can hire to help with your job search? Whether you need resume help or want someone to apply to jobs for you, we’ve reviewed the 20 best companies to help you find a job.
Relaunch Me
Relaunch Me is a career development company founded by Leah Lambart in 2014. Leah has 20+ years of recruitment and coaching experience. She is also a Professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA). There are offices in Essendon, Malvern, Sydney and Brisbane.
Leah brings 20+ years of recruitment and coaching experience to the table. Relaunch Me offers a range of services to assist you in every step of the job search process including job search and interview training assistance, outplacement services, and career transition support, as well as workshops for businesses.
Relaunch Me provides coaching sessions only via Zoom. So, one-on-one sessions are not an option. Also, the coaching services do not seem to be backed by any satisfaction guarantees.
5/5 based on 157 Google reviews
5/5 based on 15 Facebook reviews
$395 per session – $2,099 per program
(041) 355-8758 or enquiries@relaunchme.com.au
Blue Sky Career Consulting
Blue Sky Career Consulting, established in 2013, comprises an award-winning team of industry leading career experts led by Julie Knox, a certified career coach and job search strategist. Julie is a member of the Career Development Association of Australia and won the CDAA Award for Excellence in Practice in 2021.
Each member of the Blue Sky team is a career expert with at least 15 years of experience in career coaching and consulting. Together, they offer a wide range of career development services including job search and interview prep training, outplacement assistance, career transition support, and more.
The Career Changer Program is priced on the higher end of the spectrum, especially for entry- or mid-level job seekers. Also, you cannot buy any packages directly from the site. You will have to fill out a contact form to proceed further.
5/5 based on 138 Google reviews
5/5 based on 18 Facebook reviews
$375 per session – $2,250 per program
(130) 084-4054 or info@bluesky.net.au
The Career Agency
The Career Agency is a multi-award-winning career coaching agency that supports individuals with diverse career solutions. The company was founded in 2019 by Gillian and Adrian Kelly. Adrian is a proud member of the Career Development Association of Australia and Gillian is a career topic expert.
The Career Agency has offices all over Australia and a diverse team of highly experienced coaches and resume writers who can work with you either one-on-one in person, or via phone. You are matched with a skilled career coach and writer specific to your industry and needs.
For a business that holds multiple awards and recognitions under its portfolio, there are no customer reviews or testimonials found on third-party review sites. Also, there’s no mention of prices on the website. You will have to contact the service for more information.
Not found
$200+ per session
(130) 006-1009 or hello@thecareeragency.com.au
NB Career Consulting
NB Career Consulting is an independent career consulting service owned by Nadina Benvenisti, a career optimizer coach and resume expert. Nadina brings over two decades of recruitment experience and wealth of knowledge of all industry sectors and careers to provide a range of career coaching services.
Nadina helps skilled migrants integrate into the Australian employment market. She also supports newbies, seasoned professionals, and career transitioners in navigating the challenges of the whole job hunt process. Each coaching session is personalized to an individual’s unique career needs and goals.
There are no a la carte options available specifically for career coaching services; instead you get an all-inclusive package. Also, Nadina doesn’t hold any certifications or accreditations from recognized career coaching associations. Coaching is delivered only via video call, not face-to-face.
5/5 based on 13 Google reviews
4.4/5 based on 15 Facebook reviews
$150 per hour session – $3,000 per program
(043) 759-0411 or nadina@nbcareerconsulting.com.au

Is Your Resume Working Properly?
If you are having trouble landing interviews, it might be time to hire a professional resume writer. Check out our #1 pick for the best resume writing service.
Jane Jackson Career Coach
Jane Jackson is a career management coach and LinkedIn Top Voice for Job Search and Careers in 2020 and 2021. Jane is a member of the Career Development Association of Australia. She has made multiple transitions throughout her professional career to become one of Sydney’s top career coaches.
Jane Jackson has been featured in several media outlets including The Huffington Post, Australian Women’s Weekly, The Daily Telegraph, and more. She provides a range of services including one-on-one career development coaching and an online Careers Academy program.
Jane doesn’t do in-person consultations. All coaching sessions are conducted via Zoom. The services are not backed by any guarantees. Also, you will not have the option to choose your coach with this service as Jane is a one-woman coaching team.
5/5 based on 71 Google reviews
$290 per session – $6,380 per package
(040) 381 0756 or jane@janejacksoncoach.com
GAIA Coaching
GAIA Coaching is a boutique executive coaching firm that prides itself on providing highly personalized coaching experiences. Sussane Rauer is the Executive Master Coach at GAIA and an award-winning executive and leadership coach with 25+ years of experience in coaching individuals and leadership teams.
Sussane is an highly-experienced career coach and mentor who holds multiple coaching-relevant certifications, awards, and recognitions. GAIA Coaching boasts a talented team of like-minded career experts who share their expertise to create fulfilling experiences for their clients across all industries.
GAIA leans more towards executive, leadership, and business coaching. So, entry- or mid-level job seekers and career transitioners might find their interests better served somewhere else. They only do in-person consultations in Sydney.
5/5 based on 19 Google reviews
5/5 based on 9 Facebook reviews
~$300+ per hour
Katie Roberts Career Consulting
Katie Roberts Career Consulting, established in 2002, is a recognized career consulting agency providing a range of career management services to students, graduates, and career professionals across Australia. Katie has a B.Sc in Psychology and is a member of the Career Development Association of Australia.
Although based in Sydney, Katie provides coaching services nationwide via phone or Zoom. The team has a wealth of experience across a variety of industries and they serve professionals from all backgrounds and levels. They also provide counseling services to businesses across Australia and around the world.
The availability of one-on-one consultations depends on the service. You will have to take an online career assessment prior to your consultation. Also, the services are not backed by any guarantees.
4.5/5 based on 20 True Local reviews
$295+ per session – $795 AUD per package
(130) 064-4890 or admin@katieroberts.com.au
Career Creators
Sally Watson, founder Career Creators, is a life and career transformation coach who empowers ambitious professionals to have a fulfilling career through her three signature programs – Recharge, Reconnect and Realign. Sally is a member of the International Coaching Guild and a Neurolinguistic Programming Trained Practitioner.
Sally has 10+ years of experience in recruitment consulting, talent acquisition, and career management services. She has successfully served a vast array of industries and professions, from entry-level/graduates to C-suite executives. She also offers private and group coaching sessions.
There are not many reviews or testimonials posted on third-party websites from customers’ past experiences with Career Creator’s service offerings. Also, the website does not mention any guarantees for their coaching services.
5/5 based on 2 Google reviews
$250 – 750 AUD per session
Appointment scheduler available on website.