Job applications are a crucial part of the hiring process, as they provide employers with a first impression of potential candidates. However, submitting an application is just the first step in securing a job. Following up on your application can be equally important, as it gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm and professionalism, reaffirm your interest in the position, and stand out from other applicants. 

We will discuss the importance of following up after submitting a job application, the appropriate timing and methods of follow-up, reasons for not following up, best practices for following up, and more. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, this article will provide you with practical advice on how to increase your chances of landing your dream job.

The Purpose of Following Up

Submitting a job application is just the first step in the hiring process, and it’s important to remember that many other candidates may have also applied for the same position. Therefore, following up on your application can be just as important as submitting it, as it serves several purposes.

Demonstrate Enthusiasm and Professionalism 

Following up on your application shows that you are proactive, interested, and serious about the position. It demonstrates your enthusiasm for the opportunity and your professionalism in pursuing it.

Reaffirm Interest in the Position

Following up allows you to reaffirm your interest in the position and the company. It shows that you are not just submitting applications blindly but have done your research and are genuinely interested in the job.

Stand Out From Other Applicants

Following up sets you apart from other applicants who may not have followed up. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile and take initiative, which can make a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Address Any Concerns or Questions

Following up can also give you the opportunity to address any concerns or questions the hiring manager may have about your application. You can clarify any information or provide additional details that may not have been clear in your initial application.

Overall, following up after submitting a job application can increase your chances of getting noticed and considered for the position. It can demonstrate your enthusiasm, reaffirm your interest, and set you apart from other applicants. In the next section, we will discuss the appropriate timing and methods of follow-up.

Timing and Methods of Follow-Up

After submitting a job application, it’s important to follow up at the appropriate time and using the right methods. Consider the following guidelines to ensure your follow-up is effective:


Give the hiring manager enough time to review applications before following up. Waiting for about one week after submitting your application is generally a reasonable timeframe. This allows the hiring team to go through initial screening and review processes. However, if the job posting specifies a different timeline or deadline, it’s advisable to follow up accordingly.

Email Follow-Up

Email is a common and effective method for following up on a job application. Craft a professional and concise email expressing your continued interest in the position. Thank the hiring manager for considering your application and briefly highlight your qualifications. Be polite, avoid being pushy, and keep the email focused on your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Phone Call Follow-Up

In some cases, a phone call can be a more direct way to follow up on your application. However, ensure that you have a specific reason for calling, such as requesting an update on the hiring process or seeking clarification on any information. Prepare a brief script beforehand to ensure you convey your message clearly and professionally.

In-Person Visit

While not always necessary, an in-person visit can make a lasting impression. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and consider the company culture and norms. If you decide to visit, dress professionally, introduce yourself politely to the receptionist or HR personnel, and inquire if it’s possible to briefly speak with someone regarding your application.

Remember, regardless of the method you choose, always maintain professionalism, be courteous, and avoid excessive persistence. Following up demonstrates your proactive approach and genuine interest in the position, but it’s crucial to strike the right balance between assertiveness and respect for the hiring process.

Common Reasons for Not Following Up

While following up after submitting a job application is generally recommended, there are several reasons why individuals may hesitate to do so. Let’s explore some common concerns.

  1. Fear of being perceived as pushy: Job seekers worry that reaching out may annoy or bother the hiring manager. However, when done professionally and respectfully, following up demonstrates your genuine interest and enthusiasm, rather than being pushy.
  2. Lack of contact information: Without a designated email address or phone number, it can be challenging to know where and how to direct your follow-up communication. In such cases, it’s acceptable to reach out to the general company email or contact the HR department for guidance.
  3. Belief that the hiring process is rigid: Some individuals assume that the hiring process follows a strict timeline and that any follow-up attempts would be disregarded. While it’s true that companies have their processes, following up can still demonstrate your proactive nature and commitment to the position.
  4. Fear of rejection or negative response: Job appplicants worry that reaching out may lead to disappointment or damage their chances further. However, it’s important to remember that following up provides an opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm and professionalism, which can leave a positive impression even if the outcome is not immediate.

Despite these concerns, it’s important to remember that following up after submitting a job application can significantly increase your visibility and demonstrate your commitment to the position. In the next section, we will explore case studies and success stories of individuals who followed up after submitting their applications.

10 Best Practices for Following Up

When it comes to following up after submitting a job application, there are several best practices to keep in mind. Consider the following guidelines:

1. Be Professional

Maintain a professional tone and demeanor in all your follow-up communications. Use proper language, grammar, and formatting in your emails or phone calls. Treat every interaction as an opportunity to showcase your professionalism.

2. Express Gratitude

Start your follow-up message by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply and be considered for the position. Thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration.

3. Highlight Your Qualifications

Briefly remind the hiring manager of your qualifications and why you are interested in the position. Emphasize how your skills and experience align with the job requirements.

4. Keep It Concise

Keep your follow-up message concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or including unnecessary details. Respect the time of the hiring manager by providing clear and relevant information.

5. Personalize Your Communication

Whenever possible, personalize your follow-up message. Reference specific details from your application or any previous interactions you may have had with the company or individuals involved in the hiring process. This shows that you have taken the time to research and engage with the opportunity.

6. Choose the Right Timing

Follow up at an appropriate time, typically about one week after submitting your application. This allows sufficient time for the hiring team to review applications without appearing impatient.

7. Use Multiple Channels

Consider using multiple channels for follow-up, such as email or phone call. Choose the method that aligns with your comfort level and the company’s preferred mode of communication.

8. Follow Instructions

If the job posting provides specific instructions regarding follow-up, ensure that you adhere to them. Some companies may explicitly state their preferred method or timeline for follow-up.

9. Be Respectful and Patient

Remember that hiring processes can take time, and the hiring manager may be dealing with numerous applications. Be respectful and patient while waiting for a response. Avoid excessive follow-ups or appearing overly eager.

10. Consider Professional Services

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to follow up effectively, consider hiring a professional reverse recruiting service to manage your job search for you. These services can help with following up with employers after applications are submitted and after interviews, saving you time and reducing the stress of second-guessing yourself. 

By following these best practices, you can effectively follow up on your job application while maintaining professionalism and increasing your chances of standing out as a strong candidate.

Key Takeaways

Following up after submitting a job application is an essential component of the job search process. By adhering to the best practices outlined above, you can demonstrate your professionalism, genuine interest, and enthusiasm for the position. Remember to be respectful, concise, and timely in your follow-up communications.

It’s understandable that some individuals may feel overwhelmed or unsure about how to follow up effectively. In such cases, it may be beneficial to consider hiring a professional service to manage your job search for you. Find My Profession offers reverse recruiting services to ensure that your follow-up messages are taken care of.

Following up is an opportunity to showcase your professionalism and commitment to the position. Taking the initiative to follow up demonstrates your proactive approach and can leave a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Good luck with your job search, and may your follow-up efforts lead to successful outcomes!